Spike and Neuralog - Introduction

At Caltech, I developed a fast event-driven simulator, called Spike, for simulating large networks of simple spiking neurons. You can enter your neural circuit graphically or textually, and view the simulation output logic-analyzer-style, as shown below.

The above circuit is an Adapting Tonic Burster. That is, it has bursting response based on a tonic input current, and it has an inhibitory feedback path that causes its firing rate during a burst to decrease, or adapt. The circuit demonstrates the use of the summating synapse feature of Spike, which in this case is used to model a calcium-dependent potassium channel, to create the adapting behavior.

The above circuit is a locust walking circuit developed by Sylvie Ryckebusch in 1991. This was the first use of Spike to model a real biological circuit.

Spike and Neuralog - Software Release

Spike is a fast event-driven simulator, written by Lloyd Watts, optimized for networks of spiking neurons. Neuralog is a customization of the program Analog, by John Lazzaro and Dave Gillespie, that can be used for entering neural circuits into your computer.

The latest release of spike/neuralog is available in spike.zip. CHANGELOG shows the revision history.

Spike is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence, which is included in this distribution, in the file spike/src/COPYING. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

The file INSTRUCTIONS contains instructions on how to install Spike and Neuralog, and how to get started with a simple example circuit.

brochure.pdf is a more tutorial description of the capabilities of neuralog and spike.

It is assumed that you already have AnaLOG and View, two components of the Caltech chipmunk tools running on your system, and that you are familiar with their use. Alternatively, you may use some other data viewing program to look at the data, such as GnuPlot, Mathematica, and Xvgr.

Alternately, you can avoid the use of AnaLOG/NeuraLOG altogether by specifying your schematic with a text editor.

Lloyd Watts